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What we do
Heart to Heart - WY is dedicated to helping adolescents and young adults walk through life that are living with severe and persistent mental health.
Education and Vocational Program:
This service will be provided to assist with getting a high school diploma, GED, or employment. At the onset of Heart to Heart there will be no formal teacher but an individual who will coordinate with teachers and institutions providing assistance in communication, goals, follow-through, organizations, making choices, completing deadlines, having access physically and financially. Currently, there are not any services such as this in our community.
Drop-in Program:
This service will be provided for individuals aged 13-17 years old, on Friday after school from 2-4 pm. This service will take place at the Cody library. During this program, we will offer individual counseling for those that would like to take advantage of it. A snack will be provided during this program. This program may consist of different types of therapies that range from dance therapy, herbal therapy, meditation, and more. Services that will be available will be holistic and include body, mind, and spirit opportunities for growth. Currently, Heart to Heart is not aware of any similar programs for youth in Park County.
Different Activities/Therapies During our Drop-In Program:
Art Therapy
Animal Therapy
Baking Therapy
Cooking Therapy
Dance Therapy
Drama Therapy
Exercise Therapy
Garden Therapy
Herbal Therapy
Music Therapy
Play Therapy
Recreation Therapy
Talk Therapy
Wilderness Therapy
Case management and Advocating Program:
This service will be provided as needed. It will be provided by an individual who will assist in areas of legal, financial, medical, family, and any other area of concern. Again the need for these services and the goals will be documented in the individual treatment plans. We will work closely with CASA and its advocates for our clients that are under 18.
Individual Counseling:
These services are available to individuals in the program and individuals living in the community. These services are traditionally provided one time a week in an office setting for half-hour to an hour depending on the need that week and how much money we have in the account to pay for this specific therapy.
Kema's Closet:
Kema's Closet began shortly after Thea lost a dear friend she was working with to open a Non-Profit. It was Thea's way of honoring Kema's wishes, while still doing something that would connect Thea and Kema together forever, FASHION! Kema's Closet allows individuals to "shop" for free for a week's worth of gently used clothes to individuals inside Park County, WY that are in need of clothes. We currently are trying to work with corporations to donate socks and underclothing for individuals.
Kema's Closet Hand's Up Program helps many people every year in Park County by providing families and people in crisis with FREE clothing to help alleviate some of the financial burdens that they might be under. Kema's Closet Hand's Up Program is looking for monthly commitments of sponsoring a family. It costs approximately $400 a year to clothe one family of four, $100 per season, or $35 per month. So for only $35 a month you could sponsor one family. With this donation, a Family could have access to up to 120 clothing articles of free clothing that they need during the year. With your donation, you will receive a charitable tax receipt. DONATE NOW
Intensive Outpatient Programming: COMING SOON
Currently, we are in the process and organizing this program. This service will be provided to individuals who are not in school or are in need of more intense services. This program will be 3 times per week for 3 hours for 8 weeks. Services will include education, individual counseling and group counseling, outdoor recreational activities, animal therapy, and alternative therapies, as well as cognitive-behavioral and mindfulness therapies.
Day Programing or Intensive Outpatient Services: COMING SOON
Currently, we are in the process and organizing this program. These services will be three times a week for 3 hours providing treatment for adolescents struggling with mental illness. A great focus on the first episode and prevention. The advantage compared to other programs is it has no cost and is not dependent on insurance. There is no other mental health intensive program for adolescents in the state. This program is an alternative to being placed in residential treatment centers, which gives the individual the ability to maintain community. The cost for this program is a fraction of the price compared to residential treatment centers.
Outpatient Counseling: COMING SOON
These services are available to individuals in the program and individuals living in the community. These services are traditionally provided one time a week in an office setting for an hour. These services will be accommodated to individual needs by being open on the time and may likely be provided outside with animals, inside as a group, or as recreational activities. There are no fees to this program, however, if the individuals have insurance, they may agree to us billing their insurance company. If they agree, then Heart to Heart will bill for billable services.
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